Changes in the reimbursement of commuting expenses

Hereby we would like to inform you that the rules related to the reimbursement of expenses for commuting to work have been modified from 28th January 2023. In the case of daily commuting to work and travelling home at the weekend, the maximum amount of the tax-free reimbursement increased to HUF 30 per kilometer. This increased reimbursement can be already applied for the month of January 2023.

As in previous years up to 60 percent of the amount of the expense for commuting to work must be reimbursed, i.e., instead of the previous HUF 9 it is HUF 18 per kilometre from January. This new mandatory amount related to commuting to work can be reimbursed at first in the month of February 2023.

We would like to emphasize that this is only a transitional rule and is in force during the state of emergency.  Should there be any changes in the regulations, we will inform you accordingly.

Read our previous articles!

For more details please contact us!


Daniela Zsigmond
MD Romania,

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