BPiON’s Evolution: Step by Step Towards Digital Excellence

Discover how we harnessed digital transformation to optimize operations, enhance customer service, and secure a competitive edge

A team of more than 150 people, five years of experience, and annual revenues exceeding 7 million Euros are the foundations of our company, which has successfully reached its initial goals and continues to expand in the CEE markets

Specializing in optimizing our clients’ business processes, we identified the necessity to refine our own internal procedures in response to our rapid development and the increasing demands of the market.

Our priorities, aimed at enabling further expansion in the region, include enhancing system security, improving customer service quality, and better data utilization, all while focusing on sustainable development and maintaining an appealing image as an employer.


We at BPiON faced a series of challenges that stood in the way of our further development and operational effectiveness, among which the following became priorities:

  • A website requiring redesign: not keeping up with current standards, unintuitive, and not facilitating communication with customers.
  • Lack of a centralized, modern CRM system: Dispersed databases not integrated with each other, with limited customer relationship management capabilities.
  • Despite already implemented automation, there’s still a significant number of manual actions, leading to time-consuming processes and susceptibility to errors. Inconsistent marketing strategy:
  • Discrepancies in creating visually cohesive marketing materials and lack of an effective communication strategy.
  • Basic use of data: Although collecting analytical data, the company did not fully utilize it to optimize its operations.

Additional challenges, identified as some of the trends in the BS Sector in the Annual ProProgressio Report , included adapting tools to the increasingly popular remote work model, and providing applications that enhance both internal and external communication with features such as multimedia broadcasting.


In response to these challenges, BPiON undertook a series of actions aimed at a comprehensive digital transformation:

  • New WWW site: We created a new, responsive, and multilingual website with intuitive navigation and pathways to contact, integrated with CRM systems and analytical tools, significantly improving user experience and communication efficiency.
  • Unified CRM system: The introduction of a new, integrated CRM tool allowed for better management of customer relationships, reduced service time, and increased satisfaction for both customers and employees.
  • Process automation: Thanks to automation, BPiON significantly reduced the time spent on manual operations, allowing for greater work efficiency and better resource utilization.
  • Communication strategies: We revised our approach to communication, introducing visually appealing content, personalized newsletters, and actively sharing expert knowledge, which increased engagement and brand recognition.
  • Data utilization: By better leveraging analytical data, bpion began to more effectively tailor our offerings and strategies to market needs, contributing to an increase in the number of inquiries and the quality of leads.

Unlocking Benefits for Our Clients

The digital evolution undertaken by BPiON isn’t just about internal enhancements; it’s about empowering our clients with tangible benefits that may enhance their business operations and outcomes.


Better Communication and Support

Our new website and CRM make it easier for clients to talk to us and get help fast. This means quicker responses and clearer information whenever they need it.


Tailored Services

We know every client is different. With our improved data tools, we can understand their needs better and offer services that fit them perfectly.


Stronger Security

Keeping client data safe is a big deal. Our improved systems make sure their information is protected, so they can trust us with their business.

These actions have enabled us not only to meet current challenges but also to pave the way for further development and expansion

Digital transformation has become the foundation upon which we can build our future, ready for new market challenges and customer expectations.

Our journey towards digital excellence is ongoing. We encourage you to stay in touch with us and venture into the world of news, advice, and tips from the outsourcing services industry:


Daniela Zsigmond
MD Romania,

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