Lasting partnerships – BPION why

Since the early days of BPiON Group, one of the most valuable parts of our “WHY” statement is the “lasting partnership” principle. It is both a starting point and an achievement in the field of relationships with employees, clients, and vendors as well.

I am often asked why I have friends in our management and ownership circle. Well, it is as easy as it sounds that but vice versa, my colleagues became friends while working together. If you happen to enjoy spending time with your colleagues and sharing the same values, you will be friends, with whom spending time at the workplace or outside of it becomes a joy. When I think of lasting partnerships, they come to mind first.

This principle is just as important in terms of our clients.
We live in turbulent times, when loyalty, trust, and a secure workplace are more important than ever. Many companies had executed dismissals during the first waves of the pandemic, and they are about to fill in those positions nowadays. These companies are finite purpose ones, aiming of reaching their quarterly targets, while I believe that service company success is only reflected in its attrition rate.

BPiON still enjoys one digit attrition rate mainly since the management are the shareholders and therefore it is easier to believe in an indefinite purpose for our company. Our actions first of the interest of people and shareholders in their managerial role, in order to keep the company running. For example, under the current extreme inflation pressure, shareholders cut back their profit expectations significantly in order to ease the company.

I have never believed in long-term strategies, rather shorter-term scenarios, when shareholders should make agile decisions as well if the market is volatile. If we keep the attrition level on healthy grounds, it will always create client loyalty as well.

Nevertheless, clients need more than loyalty nowadays, since there is an unprecedented noise around technology on the market. All companies constantly searching for new technologies -which was fortunately accelerated by the pandemic, if we can state one positive impact of it-, but a true lasting relationship means that clients are more interested in who controls those technologies – and get more values from that support -, than the product’ features themselves. Once the accountant role was about knowing the regulatory framework best, then accurate ERP knowledge and migration competencies or skill to efficiently run APIs become relevant nowadays.

So, in the course of my work, I have learned, as Simon Sinek also said, that people primarily don’t care about what you do, more important is why you are doing it. I am very pleased that we are able to pass on our driving forces to our clients, and we find many common grounds with them.

We live by lasting partnerships in all directions of our supply chain. The “lasting partnership” means constant care and self-motivation for doing something better in order to take the partnership to the next level to face and solve new challenges together.

Today, I invite you as well to be a part of it!

Béla Kakuk, CEO, BPiON

Read more from BPiON Mangement: BPiON News


Daniela Zsigmond
MD Romania,

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